Renewals Insurance – 10% minimum premium discount.
- Is P&I
premium contributions a major operating expense which could be
significantly decreased and how?
Well, yes, for certain cases/shipowners/ship operators
which fall under the here below described ship managers/shipowners category;
The smaller
size vessels ship operators/ship owners (typically below 10,000 GT, operating
inland, offshore, coastal or limited range trades.)
Many International insurance specialists, like MM (Marasco Marine Ltd), think alike and agree
that the bigger size vessels which trade world wide represent an entirely
different risk profile when compared with the smaller size tonnage which is
operated within limited trading areas and that there are key differences
which necessitate different approach and solutions.
The fixed P&I market is viewed as a dynamic
marketplace, with aggressive competition, without IGA (International Group
Agreement) constraints which unfairly restrict shipowners from looking
opportunities for a better P&I deal.
Thus, the Shipowners' interest for fixed premium
P&I has broadened in the last five years as there is more A- rated
insurers’ capacity and more competition than ever before.
MM (Marasco Marine Ltd) has
access to over twenty- five fixed premium P&I insurers for smaller size
and vintage tonnage, which operates within limited trading areas.
The total fixed P&I market sector generates
an annual premium of USD 350 million approximately.
anticipates that average market rate per GT will continue to fall in 2015/16 and
believes that will be able to secure a 10% discount ratio to its clientele and
new acquired business.

P&I is a service which can be structured on a
tailor made basis on affordable premium costs especially in difficult times
like the one we experience nowadays.
Anastasios Maraslis
President+30 6945 590 744